I have been working for Start in Salford for the last nine months and the weekly workshops came to an end just before Christmas. We had all formed a lovely way of working together and thursday afternoons became something I really looked forward to. After some time in the group, members began to work on their own projects and whilst being creative we shared our experiences and offered each other support. Working with the group for this length of time made me more aware of all the small changes happening to the group members. These changes started off as small but seemed to grow until i think for some members the changes were life changing. This experience of working so closely with these members and seeing these changes really touched me and made me think how amazing creativity is at bringing people together.
I think the group members became artists, if they weren`t already, by the time the group finished. I wanted to share with you some of the things we did……

This piece was inspired by Su Blackwell, I couldn`t believe the patience displayed when this was being made…

We tried it out with small lights in and it looked amazing! Unfortunately it didn`t photograph well…. this artist is still making this piece and i believe their is a stream and a bridge! I can`t wait to see it finished.