Happy new year! I`ve not made too many resolutions so far I don`t think the new year feeling has properly sunk in, but reflecting on my favourite bits from 2013 reminds me of what a lovely year it has been!…here are my top five highlights…
1.Top on my list has to be my new studio…I`ve had a break from it over christmas and am really looking forward to getting back in there!

2. France and in particular my visit to the beautiful island of Ille de Re, my spring/summer collection 2014 is named after this island, ( I`ll give you a sneak preview of that collection soon!)

3. The inspiring buildings of Portugal 

4.My visit to beautiful Blackwell House and now my jewellery is sold there!

5. And my final highlight… I started my patchwork quilt last January and recently I `ve been inspired to start up again and it`s been making my winter evenings so cosy…this was where I was last year…..

and now….(i still have a long way to go!)

Hope you`ve had time to reflect on 2013…