The last six months have been so busy I`ve not had nearly as much time as I`d have liked in my studio, mainly because I`ve started a post graduate course in Integrative Psychotherapy. Psychotherapy has been a passion for a long time and I`m amazed how closely creativity and Psychotherapy are linked. My experience of my Psychotherapy course so far has been AMAZING, life changing, challenging, enlightening…..these words don`t even begin to describe it…I`ll share more when the words come to me…but now I have some time in my studio over summer, which is bliss!
I`ve been laser cutting card and experimenting with different patterns…..
I like to be hands on when I`m designing, so I`m experimenting with this new way of designing, so some of these shapes might end up being mirrors, jewellery etc. Here are some of my favourites….
I`m also in the process of creating some circular pictures made from coloured mount board and japanese paper this design inspired by Port Meirion….
My task over summer is to create my new collection Dolce Vita, which is going to made from walnut, mirrored perspex and frosted perspex. I`m really excited at the beautiful colours the perspex comes in…