Happy Christmas!
I don`t know about you but I was desperate to relax and spend some time at home…I love all the different seasons, but Winter to me is about cosy fires lots of food..warmth and comfort with a backdrop of snow…
this year the backdrop has been wind and rain! but a snowy winter is filled with so much inspiration! I always spend more time at home at Christmas, which makes me appreciate my home even more …I think a home looks even cosier with a christmas tree so when it goes it feels as if something is missing! I`v e put together some of my favourite things to fill this gap!…
These cushions by Donna Wilson are adorable!…
What could be more homey than this lovely fruit bowl…by Cath Ford
I love the Parisian designer Nathalie Lete…I would love her beautiful silk screen print,“The Big Party,” for my picture wall..
I`ve loved Rob Ryan`s work for quite some time and everyone needs a calender- it`s so reasonably priced too…
And this is so cute….by katie Viggers
but just because it`s winter doesn`t mean we can`t spend time in our garden MySmartBuy has some helpful tips on selecting the right shade for your garden, so you can enjoy it whatever the weather. Below is my perfect winter garden…I can but dream!